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Showing posts from March, 2020

What is Sanatan Dharma and how it’s different from Hinduism?

Sanatan Dharma  is the oldest religion on Earth and includes a collection of spiritual laws discovered by Rishis thousands of years ago. It includes many eternal duties such as honesty, purity non-violence, self-restraint, etc. which a human being should do to attain fulfillment in life. You also can say that Sanatan Dharma is a way of life.  Vedas  do not include the “ Hinduism ” term. Persians used this name to refer to the faith of people living beyond the Sindhu River.  Sanatan Dharma is the original name of Hinduism and is an eternal law that includes many practices like Yoga, Pranayama, Chanting of Vedic Verses , Slokas, etc.

Ujjayi Naad: Ancient Yogic Breathing Technique (Sound of Victory)

Ujjayi Breath is considered a Hinduism Ancient breathing which produces a specific sound known as the sound of victory. For this Pranayama, First, sit in a padmasana or Lotus position, which is a cross-legged sitting asana. Keep your back upright and close your eyes. In starting, you can open your mouth. Start breathing in and out. But, while exhaling, contract muscles of the back of your throat and it will make a sound like ‘HAAAH’. After some practice, do this while inhaling also. If you can produce sounds in both inhaling & exhaling then try only with your nose. This sound is also called “The Ocean’s Breath” because this Ujjayi Sound  is similar to ocean waves.              This breathing technique will make your mind calm and will also warm your body. After becoming a master of this technique, you will see positive changes to your body, mind, emotional & spiritual wellbeing.

Naad Brahm (The Sound Of Completeness)

Naad Brahm  is a state where you listen to a sound that comes inside of your body. This is a practice that needs proper guidance. This sound is a symbol of absolute, completeness and perfections. Even, in scriptures of Hinduism; music, and sound are integral parts. Spiritual leaders also use “ Mahamantra ” for this sound because of it like a mantra which creates a feeling accomplishment within you. The people who experienced the Naad Brahm shared their feelings and they felt the power of the universe within their body.  It is the main reason that some spiritual masters also use the term “ Sound of the Universe ” for Naad Brahm.