Ujjayi Breath is
considered a Hinduism Ancient breathing which produces a specific sound known
as the sound of victory. For this Pranayama, First, sit in a padmasana or Lotus
position, which is a cross-legged sitting asana. Keep your back upright and
close your eyes. In starting, you can open your mouth. Start breathing in and
out. But, while exhaling, contract muscles of the back of your throat and it
will make a sound like ‘HAAAH’. After some practice, do this while inhaling
also. If you can produce sounds in both inhaling & exhaling then try only
with your nose. This sound is also called “The Ocean’s Breath” because
this Ujjayi Sound is similar to ocean waves.
This breathing technique will make your mind calm and will
also warm your body. After becoming a master of this technique, you will see
positive changes to your body, mind, emotional & spiritual wellbeing.
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